AcneCare Beautiful Skin Special Bundle (2+1)
We can ship to virtually any address within the United States. At this time we do not offer delivery outside the U.S. or expedited delivery.
Orders will be shipped via USPS First Class mail, or Fed Ex Ground. Shipping times vary according to location, but orders placed with a credit card generally ship within 24 hours and take no more than one week to arrive.
If you pay by check or money order please allow 5 to 10 working days for the check to clear and the order to be processed.
For the convenience of our customers, we offer a simple formula and very reasonable shipping costs.
All shipping rates shown are for continental US only. We are sorry, but at this time we do not ship internationally.
Producing top quality products is our highest priority and we promise you will be satisfied or we will refund your money. To meet this goal, we closely monitor all feedback from our consumers so that we can make any necessary adjustments to our formulas or packaging.
You may return any product you are dissatisfied with within 30 days of delivery for a full refund for the product amount (shipping and handling not included) or replacement.
To return a product, please go to the Contact Us tab on our website and fill in the form with your name, email address, phone number, and a brief description of why you wish to return the product. We will contact you within two working days of your email to process your refund or replace the product.